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Bring Life to Your Sales Cycle: How Sales Channels Can Turn Static Sales Strategies Into Dynamic, Immersive Sales Experiences


Transform your sales cycle to match the new era of digital innovation. This is how to turn static sales strategies into dynamic, immersive sales experiences.

Consumer attention is a scarce resource that brands are constantly fighting for. Consumers face a constant, overwhelming bombardment of marketing messages to draw them into the sales cycle. When traditional mass communication is ineffective—and user experience concerns take center stage—employing new ways to communicate with your target market is essential. While the core objective is to affirm your brand’s value, this can only be achieved by captivating and conquering your audience. Digital transformation empowers you to create a memorable and extraordinary immersive customer experience.

There are various ways to integrate innovative digital experiences into your sales cycle. A large part of this strategy is reliant on how you employ channel sales and who you partner with.

Digital Transformation and the Role of Channel Partners

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) business models are changing how companies work with their channel partners. Integrated software vendors (ISVs) born in the cloud are seeing less need for transactional partners and rely more heavily on partners that can add value by bringing advanced capabilities, including analytics, IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and application DevOps skills.

Further integrating sales tools such as CRM systems, marketing automation, and sales enablement software can help improve the customer experience by simplifying and streamlining key sales processes. With time-consuming admin out the way, your sales teams and channel partners can entirely focus on building relationships with customers and providing personalized, dynamic sales experiences.

The Importance of Dynamic and Immersive Sales Experiences

When presenting your solution to a client (whether online or in person), it’s easy to lose their interest if you relegate them to an inactive role. To make your presentation genuinely effective, give the user an interactive role in their own sales story. An immersive experience makes the consumer feel part of the solution that is presented to them. It invites them to explore with their senses and takes them to a place they’ve never been before.

Implementing different channel sales technologies can help bring life to a passive cycle and create a dynamic, immersive experience. Dynamic experiences lead to increased customer attention and retention. Most importantly, they effectively lead to higher conversion rates.

Some other stand-out benefits of immersive sales experiences include:

Increased Audience Engagement

Interaction increases audience engagement—it’s the difference between someone conversing with you versus someone talking at you. Asking audience members to become participants gives them a compelling reason to tune in and get more value out of the session.

Take, for example, Xureal’s metaverse platform. Instead of a one-way online presentation walking your client through a series of slides, you can invite your customer into a virtual world to discover the product firsthand. Your avatar can lead their avatar through a virtual showroom, where they can interact with the solutions available to them. They can ask questions during the showroom tour; you can also highlight features by showing them exactly how the products work as you would in an in-person scenario.

Better Information Retention

Interactive experiences like those enabled by augmented reality (AR) bring concepts off of the screen and into real life. This makes the experience and product memorable. It improves understanding of how a product works and therefore facilitates information retention.

Improved Personalization

When consumers feel that you notice their personal needs and want to help solve their unique pain points, they’re more willing to give you their attention. No one wants to be just another number in the system. Customers want to feel that your solution and your presentation are designed with them in mind.

Adding interactive elements lets you customize the presentation based on what they want to know. Participants can ask questions, choose areas of interest, give feedback, and navigate the next step according to their needs. This gives presenters a launching point from which they can personalize the sales cycle journey.

A Layer of Fun

Sitting through a slideshow or one-way presentation feels like attending another stale business meeting. Browsing an interactive showroom, on the other hand, feels like you are transformed to another dimension in a game.

Your consumer is invited into a new, virtual dimension to explore real-world solutions. They can participate in polls, icebreakers, learning activities, and games. These interactions allow them to develop a personal connection with your brand and what you stand for. Additionally, it makes your brand more memorable and much easier to relate to than a boring slide-show pitch ever could.

Overcoming Language Barriers

Language barriers are often a problem for brands selling globally. By making your brand intuitive, inclusive, and accessible with immersive experiences, customers can see your products in action with visual communication. They can view how it works and fully understand how your solution will solve their problem. You reduce the need for new materials and an entire additional workforce. In addition, many immersive experience applications allow users to select their preferred language, keeping consumers engaged throughout the sales cycle.

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Are you ready to bring digital innovation and forward-thinking solutions to your enterprise? Are you looking to breathe life into your products while delivering unified, end-to-end experiences, improving engagement and brand loyalty, and boosting your bottom line? Great! We’re ready to help get you there. Request a demo today!